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Sviluppatore Sumit Sethi

Seeking the right deals and offers!
“Save your Bucks with the Bucks Monster” that provides a bigger platform to get fascinating and awesome deals and offers for you. User-friendly app, easy to access within different categories: Food & Drinks, Beauty & Salon, Spa & Massage, Gym & Fitness, Hobbies & Learning and Mix Bag. With this, you can save time to rush for the place and enjoy offers happily wherever you are to gather the best deals in the town.

Search Incredible Deals & View Coupons with offers
Yes, you are thinking right. We provide you the exclusive deals and offers with monsters that can help you to acquire and grab the best one for you under different categories.
You can view detailed information of high-resolution images with multi perspective of selected items.

Thinking about Monsters?
Active and unbelievable list of coupons savings at your favourite Food & Drinks items, Spa & Beauty Salons. We have got coupons for everything to help you to save bucks or money including various fantastic fun items that you can enjoy with your family.

How to buy deals via Monsters?
You can buy deals using Monster’s credit.
You can use monsters to purchase offers then you will get the voucher code and redeem the payment from the place of the vendor.
Bucks Monster provides you the secure payment services

How to earn a monster credit?
• On 1st registration, user will get 15 monsters
• On every refer both users will get 5 monsters each
• Users can buy monsters, it will cost 50 cents

Why only Bucks Monster?
Bucks Monster helps you to provide a lot of services collaborated and gathered in one App by removing the installation of other Apps differently such as for Food & Drinks, Beauty & Saloons, Spa & Massage, Gym & Fitness, hobbies & Learning and Mix bag including miscellaneous items.
Pick the best offers among all by filtering and sorting the categories and getting location.
You can also check out for the month’s special and fascinating offers.

Just enable your location to connect with the Bucks Monster’s offers
It will deliver exclusive offers, useful information and most relevant content of a particular Item.
Grab the Best offers with in your Geo location fetching categories, Price, deals, discounts and others

Browse Popular Deals

• No more planning! Search, Find, Get up and Go.
• In this fast running era, make just one-touch purchases from your mobile phones saving time and bucks of money.
• Best and easy way to have premium offers, so hurry up! Go for it.
• It is the simple, secure and fast way to book your perfect deals.
• Easy Sign-in: Effortless sign-in from social logins by entering their details to access the app or they can sign in with Facebook.
• User can search for different offers and grab various deals.

Sign in once and the app will keep you logged in and you can use it “Whenever you want and wherever you are”
Start using the app by downloading it and grab the deals with more fascinating offers.